AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
ASpacerFixed Class Reference

Fixed-size view which is useful in UI building. More...

Detailed Description

Fixed-size view which is useful in UI building.

ASpacerFixed is fixed size blank view which acquires specified space in Horizontal and Vertical layouts. For the rest of layout managers it does nothing.

ASpacerFixed follows direction of its container layout. That is, for Horizontal layout it consumes horizontal space only and for Vertical layout it consumes vertical space only.

Example usage:

Label { "Hello" },
Label { "world" },

In this case, SpacerFixed occupies 100_dp in horizontal but nothing in vertical.

Public Member Functions

 ASpacerFixed (AMetric space)
bool consumesClick (const glm::ivec2 &pos) override
 Determines whether this AView processes this click or passes it thru. More...
int getContentMinimumWidth () override
int getContentMinimumHeight () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from AView
void redraw ()
 Request window manager to redraw this AView.
AWindowBasegetWindow () const
 Determines window which this AView belongs to. More...
virtual void drawStencilMask (ARenderContext ctx)
virtual void render (ARenderContext ctx)
 Draws this AView. Noone should call this function except rendering routine. More...
virtual void postRender (ARenderContext ctx)
 Performs post-draw routines of this AView. Noone should call this function except rendering routine. More...
void popStencilIfNeeded (ARenderContext ctx)
const AVector< AString > & getAssNames () const noexcept
glm::ivec2 getPosition () const noexcept
 Top left corner's position relative to top left corner's position of the parent AView.
glm::ivec2 getCenterPointInWindow () const noexcept
 The center point position of the view relatively to top left corner of the window. More...
glm::ivec2 getSize () const noexcept
 Size, including content area, border and padding.
glm::ivec2 getMinSize () const noexcept
void setMinSize (glm::ivec2 minSize) noexcept
virtual void markMinContentSizeInvalid ()
void setExtraStylesheet (_< AStylesheet > extraStylesheet)
void setExtraStylesheet (AStylesheet &&extraStylesheet)
const _< AStylesheet > & extraStylesheet () const noexcept
AOverflow getOverflow () const
 Determines whether display graphics that go out of the bounds of this AView or not.
void setOverflow (AOverflow overflow)
AOverflowMask getOverflowMask () const
 Controls how does the overflow (stencil) mask is produced.
void setOverflowMask (AOverflowMask overflow)
float getBorderRadius () const
 border-radius, specified in ASS.
void setBorderRadius (float radius)
int getWidth () const
int getHeight () const
int getTotalOccupiedWidth () const
int getTotalOccupiedHeight () const
glm::ivec2 getMinimumSizePlusMargin ()
const ABoxFieldsgetMargin ()
 Returns the margin. More...
void setMargin (const ABoxFields &margin)
 Sets the margin. More...
const ABoxFieldsgetPadding ()
 Returns the padding. More...
void setPadding (const ABoxFields &padding)
 Sets the padding. More...
virtual AString debugString () const
 String which helps to identify this object in debug string output (i.e., for logging)
int getTotalFieldHorizontal () const
int getTotalFieldVertical () const
glm::ivec2 getTotalFieldSize () const
AViewContainerBasegetParent () const
 Parent AView.
const AOptional< ACursor > & getCursor () const
 Determines shape which should pointer take when it's above this AView.
void setCursor (AOptional< ACursor > cursor)
glm::ivec2 getContentMinimumSize () noexcept
bool isContentMinimumSizeInvalidated () noexcept
bool hasFocus () const
virtual int getMinimumWidth ()
virtual int getMinimumHeight ()
glm::ivec2 getMinimumSize ()
void setMaxSize (const glm::ivec2 &maxSize)
const glm::ivec2 & getMaxSize () const
int getContentWidth () const
int getContentHeight () const
const glm::ivec2 & getExpanding () const
void setExpanding (glm::ivec2 expanding)
 Changes the expanding of view. More...
void setExpanding (int expanding)
 Changes the expanding of view. More...
void setExpanding ()
const _< AAnimator > & getAnimator () const
void setAnimator (const _< AAnimator > &animator)
void getTransform (glm::mat4 &transform) const
int getExpandingHorizontal () const
int getExpandingVertical () const
aui::float_within_0_1 getOpacity () const
void setOpacity (aui::float_within_0_1 opacity)
virtual void setPosition (glm::ivec2 position)
void setSizeForced (glm::ivec2 size)
virtual void setSize (glm::ivec2 size)
virtual void setGeometry (int x, int y, int width, int height)
void setGeometry (const glm::ivec2 &position, const glm::ivec2 &size)
bool isBlockClicksWhenPressed () const noexcept
void setBlockClicksWhenPressed (bool value) noexcept
const glm::ivec2 & getFixedSize ()
 Fixed size. More...
void setFixedSize (glm::ivec2 size)
bool isMouseHover () const noexcept
bool isPressed () const noexcept
bool isPressed (APointerIndex index) const noexcept
bool isEnabled () const noexcept
bool isFocused () const
bool isMouseEntered () const
Visibility getVisibility () const
Visibility getVisibilityRecursive () const
void setVisibility (Visibility visibility) noexcept
void setVisible (bool visible) noexcept
MouseCollisionPolicy getMouseCollisionPolicy () const
void setMouseCollisionPolicy (MouseCollisionPolicy mouseCollisionPolicy)
void click ()
void pack ()
 Sets minimal size.
void focus (bool needFocusChainUpdate=true)
 Requests focus for this AView. More...
virtual bool capturesFocus ()
bool hasIndirectParent (const _< AView > &v)
 Checks if the specified view is an indirect parent of this view.
glm::ivec2 getPositionInWindow () const
void addAssName (const AString &assName)
 Adds an ASS class to this AView. More...
void removeAssName (const AString &assName)
 Removes an ASS class to this AView. More...
AViewoperator<< (const AString &assName)
const _< AAssHelper > & getAssHelper () const
const ass::PropertyListRecursivegetCustomAss () const
void setCustomStyle (ass::PropertyListRecursive rule)
void ensureAssUpdated ()
_< AViewsharedPtr ()
_weak< AViewweakPtr ()
virtual bool onGesture (const glm::ivec2 &origin, const AGestureEvent &event)
virtual void onMouseEnter ()
virtual void onPointerMove (glm::vec2 pos, const APointerMoveEvent &event)
 Handles pointer hover events. More...
virtual void onMouseLeave ()
virtual void onDpiChanged ()
virtual void onPointerPressed (const APointerPressedEvent &event)
 Called on pointer (mouse) released event. More...
virtual void onPointerReleased (const APointerReleasedEvent &event)
 Called on pointer (mouse) released event. More...
virtual void onPointerDoubleClicked (const APointerPressedEvent &event)
virtual void onScroll (const AScrollEvent &event)
virtual void onKeyDown (AInput::Key key)
virtual void onKeyRepeat (AInput::Key key)
virtual void onKeyUp (AInput::Key key)
virtual void onFocusAcquired ()
virtual void onFocusLost ()
virtual void onCharEntered (char16_t c)
virtual bool handlesNonMouseNavigation ()
virtual void forceUpdateLayoutRecursively ()
virtual void setEnabled (bool enabled=true)
void setDisabled (bool disabled=true)
void updateEnableState ()
void enable ()
void disable ()
void operator+ (ass::PropertyListRecursive rule)
 Helper function for kAUI.h:with_style.
virtual void onClickPrevented ()
 Called on AWindowBase::preventClickOnPointerRelease. More...
virtual void invalidateAllStyles ()
 Invalidates all styles, causing to iterate over all rules in global and parent stylesheets. More...
void invalidateStateStyles ()
 Updates state selectors for ASS. More...
virtual void invalidateAssHelper ()
 Resets mAssHelper. More...
virtual bool wantsTouchscreenKeyboard ()
 Returns true if view is textfield-like view which requires touchscreen keyboard when clicked.
void setSkipUntilLayoutUpdate (bool skipUntilLayoutUpdate)
void setFloating (AFloat f) noexcept
 Set floating value for AText.
AFloat getFloating () const noexcept
 Floating value for AText.
- Public Member Functions inherited from AObject
_< AObjectsharedPtr ()
_weak< AObjectweakPtr ()
void clearSignals () noexcept
template<AAnySignal Signal, ACompatibleSlotFor< Signal > Function>
void connect (Signal &signal, Function &&function)
void setSignalsEnabled (bool enabled)
bool isSignalsEnabled () const noexcept
template<ASignalInvokable T>
void operator^ (T &&t)
_< AAbstractThreadgetThread () const
bool isSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread () const noexcept
void setSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread (bool slotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread)
- Public Member Functions inherited from aui::noncopyable
 noncopyable (const noncopyable &)=delete
noncopyableoperator= (const noncopyable &)=delete

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AObject
static void disconnect ()
template<AAnySignal Signal, aui::derived_from< AObject > Object, ACompatibleSlotFor< Signal > Function>
static void connect (Signal &signal, Object *object, Function &&function)
template<AAnySignal Signal, aui::derived_from< AObject > Object, ACompatibleSlotFor< Signal > Function>
static void connect (Signal &signal, Object &object, Function &&function)
template<AAnySignal Signal, aui::derived_from< AObject > Object, ACompatibleSlotFor< Signal > Function>
static void connect (Signal &signal, _< Object > object, Function &&function)
static void moveToThread (aui::no_escape< AObject > object, _< AAbstractThread > thread)
- Signals and public fields inherited from AView
emits viewGraphSubtreeChanged
emits< bool > hoveredState
emits mouseEnter
emits mouseLeave
emits< bool, APointerIndexpressedState
emits< APointerIndexpressed
emits< APointerIndexreleased
emits< bool > enabledState
emits enabled
emits disabled
emits< APointerIndexclickedButton
 Some mouse button clicked.
emits clicked
 Left mouse button clicked.
emits< glm::ivec2 > positionChanged
 Position changed.
emits< glm::ivec2 > sizeChanged
 Size changed.
emits< glm::ivec2, glm::ivec2 > geometryChanged
 Geometry (position and size) changed.
emits< glm::ivec2 > expandingChanged
 Expanding changed.
emits< Visibility > visibilityChanged
 Visibility changed.
emits< glm::ivec2 > scrolled
 Scroll event.
emits< AInput::Key > keyPressed
 Keyboard key pressed.
emits< AInput::Key > keyReleased
 Keyboard key released.
emits clickedRight
 Right mouse button clicked.
emits clickedRightOrLongPressed
 Right mouse button clicked or long press gesture applied.
emits< APointerIndexdoubleClicked
emits customCssPropertyChanged
emits< bool > focusState
 Focus state changed. More...
emits focusAcquired
emits focusLost
emits< _< AView > > childFocused
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AView
bool transformGestureEventsToDesktop (const glm::ivec2 &origin, const AGestureEvent &event)
 Converts touch screen events to desktop. More...
void applyAssRule (const ass::PropertyList &propertyList)
void applyAssRule (const ass::PropertyListRecursive &propertyList)
virtual AMenuModel composeContextMenu ()
 Produce context (right click) menu. More...
virtual void onViewGraphSubtreeChanged ()
 Called when direct or indirect parent has changed. More...
virtual void markPixelDataInvalid (ARect< int > invalidArea)
 A view requests to redraw it and passes it's coords relative to this. More...
virtual void commitStyle ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AObject
void setThread (_< AAbstractThread > thread)
 Set thread of the object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AView
AViewContainerBasemParent = nullptr
 Parent AView.
std::array< ass::prop::IPropertyBase *, int(ass::prop::PropertySlot::COUNT)> mAss
 Drawing list, or baking drawing commands so that you don't have to parse the ASS every time.
ass::PropertyListRecursive mCustomStyleRule
 Custom ASS Rules.
AOptional< ACursormCursor = ACursor::DEFAULT
 Determines shape which should pointer take when it's above this AView.
glm::ivec2 mPosition = { 0, 0 }
 Top left corner's position relative to top left corner's position of the parent AView.
glm::ivec2 mSize = { 20, 20 }
 Size, including content area, border and padding.
glm::ivec2 mExpanding = {0, 0}
 Expansion coefficient. Hints layout manager how much this AView should be extended relative to other AViews in the same container. More...
AOptional< glm::ivec2 > mCachedMinContentSize
bool mMarkedMinContentSizeInvalid = false
bool mRedrawRequested = false
 Redraw requested flag for this particular view/. More...
glm::ivec2 mMinSize = {0, 0}
 Minimal size.
glm::ivec2 mMaxSize = {0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff}
 Maximal size.
glm::ivec2 mFixedSize = {0, 0}
 Fixed size.
ABoxFields mMargin
 Margin, which defines the spacing around this AView. Processed by the layout manager.
ABoxFields mPadding
 Padding, which defines the spacing around content area inside the view. Processed by AView implementation.
AVector< AStringmAssNames
 ASS class names. More...
bool mSkipUntilLayoutUpdate = true
 If set to true, AViewContainer is obligated ignore this view. This value is set to false by AView::setGeometry. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ consumesClick()

bool ASpacerFixed::consumesClick ( const glm::ivec2 &  pos)

Determines whether this AView processes this click or passes it thru.

posmouse position
true if AView processes this click

Used in AViewContainer::getViewAt method subset, thus affecting click event handling.

Reimplemented from AView.

◆ getContentMinimumHeight()

int ASpacerFixed::getContentMinimumHeight ( )
minimal content-area height.

Reimplemented from AView.

◆ getContentMinimumWidth()

int ASpacerFixed::getContentMinimumWidth ( )
minimal content-area width.

Reimplemented from AView.

#include <AUI/View/ASpacerFixed.h>

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Inheritance diagram for ASpacerFixed:
Collaboration diagram for ASpacerFixed: