AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
AFontStyle Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

size_t getWidth (const AString &text) const
template<class Iterator >
size_t getWidth (Iterator begin, Iterator end) const
AFont::CharactergetCharacter (char32_t c)
size_t getSpaceWidth () const
size_t getLineHeight () const
AFont::FontEntry getFontEntry () const
 operator AFont::FontEntry () const
bool operator== (const AFontStyle &) const noexcept=default
bool operator!= (const AFontStyle &) const noexcept=default

Signals and public fields

_< AFontfont = AFontManager::inst().getDefaultFont()
unsigned size = 12
bool formatting = false
ATextAlign align = ATextAlign::LEFT
bool bold = false
bool italic = false
FontRendering fontRendering = FontRendering::SUBPIXEL
float lineSpacing = 0.5f

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