AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
AFont Class Reference


struct  Character
struct  FontData
struct  FontKey

Public Types

using FontEntry = std::pair< FontKey, FontData & >

Public Member Functions

 AFont (AFontManager *fm, const AString &path)
 AFont (AFontManager *fm, const AUrl &url)
FontEntry getFontEntry (const FontKey &key)
glm::vec2 getKerning (wchar_t left, wchar_t right)
 AFont (const AFont &)=delete
CharactergetCharacter (const FontEntry &charset, long glyph)
float length (const FontEntry &charset, const AString &text)
template<class Iterator >
float length (const FontEntry &charset, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
AString trimStringToWidth (const FontEntry &charset, AString::iterator begin, AString::iterator end, float maxWidth)
bool isHasKerning ()
AString getFontFamilyName () const
AFontFamily::Weight getFontWeight () const
int getAscenderHeight (unsigned size) const
int getDescenderHeight (unsigned size) const
int getSpaceWidth (unsigned size)
bool isItalic () const

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