AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
IO streams

Input-output streams. More...

Detailed Description

Input-output streams.


class  AByteBufferInputStream
 Converts a AByteBuffer to an IInputStream. More...
class  AConcatInputStream
 Concatenates multiple sequential input streams into one. More...
class  ADynamicPipe
 An asynchronous buffer that converts an IInputStream to IOutputStream (and otherwise). More...
class  AEOFException
 Thrown when stream has reached end (end of file). More...
class  AFileInputStream
 Opens a file for a binary read. More...
class  AFileOutputStream
 Opens a file for a binary write. More...
class  AIOException
 Exception caused by input/output stream. More...
class  ALimitedInputStream
 Input stream that will pass through a maximum of a certain number of bytes - then it will return eof (end of stream) More...
class  APath
 An add-on to AString with functions for working with the path. More...
class  APipe
 A thread safe buffer that converts an IInputStream to IOutputStream (and otherwise). More...
class  ARandomInputStream
 An input stream that generates random bytes. More...
class  AStdIStream
 std::istream implementation wrapping AUI's IInputStream. More...
class  AStringStream
 A buffer input/output stream based on std::string. More...
class  AStrongByteBufferInputStream
 Input stream based on AByteBuffer with memory control, clears byte buffer on destruction. More...
class  IInputStream
 Represents an input stream. More...
class  InputStreamAsync
 Converts a basic input stream to an asynchronous input stream so it's read in a separate thread. More...
class  ISeekableInputStream
 Represents an input stream with updating reading position. More...


 AUI_ENUM_FLAG (APathFinder)
 Flag enum for APath::find. More...

Function Documentation


AUI_ENUM_FLAG ( APathFinder  )

Flag enum for APath::find.

In addition to specified paths, use the system paths (PATH environment variable)

Do scan recursively (slow)

Return only one file

Collaboration diagram for IO streams: