AUI Framework  develop
Cross-platform base for C++ UI apps
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aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 Inner (std::function< Value()> task) noexcept
void waitForTask () noexcept
bool isWaitNeeded () noexcept
bool hasResult () const noexcept
bool hasValue () const noexcept
bool setThread (_< AAbstractThread > thr) noexcept
void wait (const _weak< CancellationWrapper< Inner > > &innerWeak, ABitField< AFutureWait > flags=AFutureWait::DEFAULT) noexcept
void cancel () noexcept
bool tryExecute (const _weak< CancellationWrapper< Inner > > &innerWeak)
 Executes the task stored in the future. Using weak_ptr to internal object in order to make possible Future cancellation by it's destruction.
void reportInterrupted () noexcept
void reportException (std::exception_ptr causedBy=std::current_exception()) noexcept
void notifyOnSuccessCallback (std::unique_lock< decltype(mutex)> &lock) noexcept
 Calls onSuccess callback.
template<typename F>
void invokeOnSuccessCallback (F &&f)
template<typename Callback>
void addOnSuccessCallback (Callback &&callback)
template<typename Callback>
void addOnErrorCallback (Callback &&callback)

Signals and public fields

bool interrupted = false
std::conditional_t< isVoid, bool, AOptional< Value > > value
AOptional< AInvocationTargetExceptionexception
ASpinlockMutex mutex
AConditionVariable cv
TaskCallback task
OnSuccessCallback onSuccess
std::function< void(const AException &exception)> onError
_< AAbstractThreadthread
bool cancelled = false

Member Function Documentation

◆ notifyOnSuccessCallback()

template<typename Value = void>
void aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner::notifyOnSuccessCallback ( std::unique_lock< decltype(mutex)> & lock)

Calls onSuccess callback.

locklock of Inner::mutex mutex.

lock is expected to be locked. Under the lock, callback is moved to local stack, lock is unlocked, and only then callback is called. This helps to avoid deadlocks (i.e. retreiving AFuture's value in onSuccess callback). lock is not locked again. If AFuture does not have value or onSuccess callback, the lock remains untouched.

◆ tryExecute()

template<typename Value = void>
bool aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner::tryExecute ( const _weak< CancellationWrapper< Inner > > & innerWeak)

Executes the task stored in the future. Using weak_ptr to internal object in order to make possible Future cancellation by it's destruction.

innerWeakself weak_ptr
true, then task is successfully executed and supplied result.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mutex

template<typename Value = void>
ASpinlockMutex aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner::mutex

Spinlock mutex is used here because AFuture makes frequent calls to mutex and never locks for a long time. Durations are small enough so it is worth to just busy wait instead of making syscalls.

◆ value

template<typename Value = void>
std::conditional_t<isVoid, bool, AOptional<Value> > aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner::value

When isVoid = true, bool is a flag whether "void value" supplied or not

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Collaboration diagram for aui::impl::future::Future< Value >::Inner: