AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
IListModel< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for IListModel< T >, including all inherited members.

AObject() (defined in AObject)AObject
clearSignals() noexcept (defined in AObject)AObject
connect(Signal &signal, Object *object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
connect(Signal &signal, Object &object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
connect(Signal &signal, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
connect(Signal &signal, _< Object > object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
dataChangedIListModel< T >
dataInsertedIListModel< T >
dataRemovedIListModel< T >
disconnect() (defined in AObject)AObjectstatic
getThread() const (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
isSignalsEnabled() const noexcept (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
isSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread() const noexcept (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
listItemAt(const AListModelIndex &index)=0 (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >pure virtual
listSize()=0 (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >pure virtual
moveToThread(aui::no_escape< AObject > object, _< AAbstractThread > thread) (defined in AObject)AObjectstatic
noncopyable()=default (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
noncopyable(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
operator=(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
operator^(T &&t) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
range(const AListModelIndex &begin, const AListModelIndex &end) (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >inline
range(const AListModelIndex &item) (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >inline
rangesIncluding(Filter &&filter) (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >inline
setSignalsEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
setSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread(bool slotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
setThread(_< AAbstractThread > thread)AObjectinlineprotected
sharedPtr() (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
stored_t typedef (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >
toVector() noexcept (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >inline
value_type typedef (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >
weakPtr() (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
~AObject() (defined in AObject)AObjectvirtual
~IListModel() override=default (defined in IListModel< T >)IListModel< T >