AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
Cache< T, Container, K > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Cache< T, Container, K >, including all inherited members.

cleanup() (defined in Cache< T, Container, K >)Cache< T, Container, K >inlinestatic
get(const K &key) (defined in Cache< T, Container, K >)Cache< T, Container, K >inlinestatic
isShouldBeCached(const K &key, const _< T > &image) (defined in Cache< T, Container, K >)Cache< T, Container, K >inlineprotectedvirtual
load(const K &key)=0 (defined in Cache< T, Container, K >)Cache< T, Container, K >protectedpure virtual
put(const K &key, _< T > value) (defined in Cache< T, Container, K >)Cache< T, Container, K >inlinestatic