AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
ACurl Member List

This is the complete list of members for ACurl, including all inherited members.

ACurl(Builder &builder) (defined in ACurl)ACurlinlineexplicit
ACurl(Builder &&builder) noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurlinlineexplicit
ACurl(ACurl &&o) noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurlinline
ACurlMulti (defined in ACurl)ACurlfriend
AObject() (defined in AObject)AObject
clearSignals() noexcept (defined in AObject)AObject
closeRequested (defined in ACurl)ACurl
connect(Signal &signal, Object *object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
connect(Signal &signal, Object &object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
connect(Signal &signal, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
connect(Signal &signal, _< Object > object, Function &&function) (defined in AObject)AObjectinlinestatic
disconnect() (defined in AObject)AObjectstatic
ErrorCallback typedef (defined in ACurl)ACurl
getContentLength() const (defined in ACurl)ACurl
getContentType() const (defined in ACurl)ACurl
getErrorString() const noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurlinline
getNumberOfBytesDownloaded() const (defined in ACurl)ACurl
getResponseCode() const (defined in ACurl)ACurl
getThread() const (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
handle() const noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurlinline
HeaderCallback typedef (defined in ACurl)ACurl
Http enum name (defined in ACurl)ACurl
isSignalsEnabled() const noexcept (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
isSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread() const noexcept (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
Method enum name (defined in ACurl)ACurl
moveToThread(aui::no_escape< AObject > object, _< AAbstractThread > thread) (defined in AObject)AObjectstatic
noncopyable()=default (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
noncopyable(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
operator=(Builder &&o) noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurl
operator=(ACurl &&o) noexcept (defined in ACurl)ACurl
operator=(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in aui::noncopyable)aui::noncopyable
operator^(T &&t) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
ReadCallback typedefACurl
ResponseCode enum name (defined in ACurl)ACurl
run() (defined in ACurl)ACurl
setSignalsEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
setSlotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread(bool slotsCallsOnlyOnMyThread) (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
setThread(_< AAbstractThread > thread)AObjectinlineprotected
sharedPtr() (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
weakPtr() (defined in AObject)AObjectinline
WriteCallback typedefACurl
~ACurl() (defined in ACurl)ACurlvirtual
~AObject() (defined in AObject)AObjectvirtual