AUI Framework  master
Cross-platform module-based framework for developing C++20 desktop applications
AColor Member List

This is the complete list of members for AColor, including all inherited members.

AColor() (defined in AColor)AColorinline
AColor(const glm::vec4 &v) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
AColor(const AString &s) (defined in AColor)AColor
AColor(float scalar) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
AColor(float r, float g, float b) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
AColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
AColor(unsigned int color) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
BLACK (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
BLUE (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
darker(float d) const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
fromAARRGGBB(unsigned int color) (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
fromRRGGBB(unsigned int color) (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
GRAY (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
GREEN (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
isFullyOpaque() const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
isFullyTransparent() const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
lighter(float d) const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
mul(float d) constAColorinline
opacify(float alpha) const noexceptAColorinline
opacify(float d) (defined in AColor)AColorinline
operator*(float other) const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
readabilityOfForegroundColor(const AColor &foreground) (defined in AColor)AColor
readableBlackOrWhite() const (defined in AColor)AColorinline
RED (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic
toString() const (defined in AColor)AColor
transparentize(float alpha) const noexceptAColorinline
WHITE (defined in AColor)AColorinlinestatic