static_assert(::aui::jni::convertible<ret_t>, "return type is required to be convertible"); \
auto clazz = getClass(); \
const char* signature = ::aui::jni::signature_v<ret_t (
_, args))>; \
static auto methodId = e->GetMethodID(clazz, #name, signature); \
if (methodId == 0) { \
throw AException(
"no such jni method: {} {}"_format(#name, signature)); \
} \
return ::aui::jni::callMethod<ret_t>(this->asObject(), methodId
_, args)); \
Abstract AUI exception.
Definition AException.h:29
An std::weak_ptr with AUI extensions.
Definition SharedPtrTypes.h:178
#define AUI_PP_FOR_EACH(_Macro, _Data, _Tuple)
Expands to _Macro(0, _Data, e1) _Macro(1, _Data, e2) ... _Macro(K -1, _Data, eK) as many of AUI_INTER...
Definition APreprocessor.h:203
Defines nonstatic method C++ -> Java.
namespace com::github::aui::android {
com::github::aui::android::Platform::getClassName() -> "com/github/aui/android/Platform"
Represents a Unicode character string.
Definition AString.h:37