AUI Framework
Cross-platform base for C++ UI apps
This is the complete list of members for ATextArea, including all inherited members.
AAbstractTypeable() (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | |
actionButtonPressed | AAbstractTypeable | |
ATextArea() (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
ATextArea(const AString &text) (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
capturesFocus() override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
clear() (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
clearSelection() | ACursorSelectable | |
composeContextMenuImpl() (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
copyToClipboard() const | AAbstractTypeable | |
cursorIndexByPos(glm::ivec2 pos) override | ATextArea | virtual |
cursorSelectableRedraw()=0 (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protectedpure virtual |
cutToClipboard() | AAbstractTypeable | |
drawSelectionBeforeAndAfter(IRenderer &render, std::span< ARect< int > > rects, Callback &&drawText) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | inlineprotected |
emitActionButtonPressed()=0 (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | pure virtual |
emitTextChanged(const AString &text)=0 (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | pure virtual |
emitTextChanging(const AString &text)=0 (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | pure virtual |
enterChar(char16_t c) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
fillStringCanvas(const _< IRenderer::IMultiStringCanvas > &canvas) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | protected |
getCursorPosition() override | ATextArea | virtual |
getDisplayText() override (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protectedvirtual |
getPosByIndex(size_t index) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | virtual |
getText() const override | ATextArea | virtual |
handleKey(AInput::Key key) (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
handleMouseDoubleClicked(const APointerPressedEvent &event) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
handleMouseMove(const glm::ivec2 &pos) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
handleMousePressed(const APointerPressedEvent &event) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
handleMouseReleased(const APointerReleasedEvent &event) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
hasSelection() const | ACursorSelectable | |
isCursorBlinkVisible() const (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | inlineprotected |
isLButtonPressed()=0 (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protectedpure virtual |
isPasswordField() const noexcept override | ATextArea | virtual |
Iterator typedef (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
length() const override | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
mCursorIndex (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
mCursorSelection (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protected |
mIsMultiline (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
mMaxTextLength (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
moveCursorLeft() | AAbstractTypeable | |
moveCursorRight() | AAbstractTypeable | |
onCharEntered(char16_t c) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
onSelectionChanged()=0 (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | protectedpure virtual |
paste(AString content) | AAbstractTypeable | |
pasteFromClipboard() | AAbstractTypeable | |
render(ARenderContext context) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
selectAll() | ACursorSelectable | |
selectedText() const (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | inline |
selection() const | ACursorSelectable | |
selectionChanged | AAbstractTypeable | |
setCopyable(bool isCopyable) (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
setMaxTextLength(size_t newTextLength) (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
setSelection(int cursorIndex) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | inline |
setSelection(Selection selection) (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | inline |
setSize(glm::ivec2 size) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
setText(const AString &t) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | virtual |
setTextInputActionIcon(ATextInputActionIcon textInputActionIcon) noexcept | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
textChanged | AAbstractTypeable | |
textChanging | AAbstractTypeable | |
textInputActionIcon() const noexcept | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
textInputType() const noexcept override | ATextArea | virtual |
toString() const override | ATextArea | virtual |
IStringable::toString(const T *t) | IStringable | inlinestatic |
IStringable::toString(const _< T > &t) | IStringable | inlinestatic |
trimText() (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | inline |
typeableErase(size_t begin, size_t end) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
typeableFind(char16_t c, size_t startPos) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
typeableInsert(size_t at, const AString &toInsert) override | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
typeableInsert(size_t at, char16_t toInsert) override | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
typeableReverseFind(char16_t c, size_t startPos) override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | protectedvirtual |
UITextArea (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | friend |
updateCursorBlinking() (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protected |
updateSelectionOnTextSet(const AString &t) (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | protectedvirtual |
~AAbstractTypeable() override (defined in AAbstractTypeable) | AAbstractTypeable | |
~ACursorSelectable() (defined in ACursorSelectable) | ACursorSelectable | virtual |
~ATextArea() override (defined in ATextArea) | ATextArea | |
~IStringable()=default (defined in IStringable) | IStringable | virtual |